This Greener Thom

Hello! I am Thom (wild-eco-dad-husband)

Adventuring in the wild

By day, I run Abergast, a strategic brand consultancy working with with companies working towards a sustainable future, and the rest of the time wild-eco-dad-husband. This is our journey towards a Greener House and life. Myself and my partner (Mrs. Greener). moved into our home in 2016, since then we have been slowly doing the place up to suit our lifestyle and accommodate our family. Our daughter (Little Miss Greener), arrived in 2018 and have been enjoying the fruits of our labour so far!

So what’s the blog about?

Over the years I’ve been gathering bits of information from many sources for various projects around the home and garden that help us be more environmentally friendly, be better for wildlife, grow us food and save some money!

I decided I would gather all that knowledge and the experience together in one place, as well as document projects and how they go wrong, and how they work out – so you too can become a wild-eco-dad-husband or labels of your choosing.

What can you get out of the blog?

Anything you like! Whether it’s ideas and inspiration. I rough idea how to go about something or links to resources and materials (I am using affiliate links to try to support the blog, so if you click on a link to a product or go through and purchase I may get a bit towards keeping the blog up at running!). Hopefully I will show you how easy and affordable some of these things can be.

If you sign up to my newsletter here in the sidebar you can get things straight to your inbox too. These will include some affiliate offers with links to relevant articles for that offer. Got a gardening offer- there will be some gardening posts accompanying it so if you were waiting for an excuse to start growing stacks of potatoes, that will be it!

If you want to suggest topics or have a question – leave it in the comments below!

Thom and Family

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